Saturday, November 14, 2009

What This Blog is All About

When I first started studying hypnosis several years ago, I found that simply searching for knowledge on the Internet yielded a huge volume of information, mostly ads for different products, books, and training programs.

I soon began to suspect that a large amount of what was offered was terrible, but I was sure there had to be something worthwhile out there as well. As a neophyte, I had no idea what was good and what wasn't.

Most "review" sites weren't much help. There are, for example, several advertisements masquerading as hypnosis review blogs here on blogspot. They're easy to spot because they have only one entry, pushing only one product.

So I've started this blog to review books, DVDs, CDs, workshops, and other hypnosis education materials. I'll tell you where to get them, roughly what they cost, and how I acquired my copies. If I received a free copy or otherwise have a connection to the author/seller, I'll disclose that. And I'll tell you what I think about them, even when it ain't pretty (and sometimes, it ain't!)

I don't sell any of these products, and I don't get a kickback if any of them do sell.

You might ask how can I be unbiased in reviewing something I receive for free. Wouldn't I owe someone a good review if they gave me a free copy of their book? Not at all, and here's why:

If a book is good, and I say it's good, then I'm not failing in my duty to give an honest review, even if I received the book for free.

If a book is terrible, and I have to suffer through reading it, then the author has given me nothing of value, so I'd have no incentive to write a favorable review. Got it?

Now, if you are someone who sells hypnosis books, CDs, DVDs, training, tools, and so on, and you'd like me to publish an honest review of your materials, just drop me a line at HarmonyHypnotist AT gmail DOT com.

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